Categorie (stadium): cutaan melanoom stadium IV
- Doel onderzoek: To compare PFS and overall survival (OS) for patients with NRASm melanoma who are randomized to receive the combination of naporafenib + trametinib to that of patients who are randomized to physician’s choice of therapy (dacarbazine, temozolomide, or trametinib monotherapy)
combination of naporafenib + trametinib to that of patients who are randomized to physician’s choice of therapy (dacarbazine, temozolomide, or trametinib monotherapy)
- Belangrijkste in/exclusie criteria: gemetastaseerd melanoom, NRAS mutatie, LDH <2.5x ULN, na falen immuuntherapie, geen symptomatische cerebrale metastasen.
Kalijn Bol & Marye Boers-Sonderen.